88th Edition December 2010
"Our Christmas Message"
Good morning fellow members,
Another wet Sunday here on the Gold Coast which gives us plenty of time to decorate our Christmas Tree and prepare for the big day. Annette is madly cooking the Christmas Cake and I can distinctly smell the aroma of the fruit mince pies baking in the oven ... This is the smell of the magic for Christmas that we all remember!!! ... 20 Days to go!!!
We are sharing Christmas this year with family and friends at home and will be celebrating New Year in Sydney. For all those members who travel here to see us over the Festive Season we return on the 10th January. Annette and I look forward to dedicate the time to show you around the areas you have invested in over the past 21 years, many positive changes. In many cases you will not recognise your suburbs that you invested in due to the solid expansion of growth in the areas.
Annette and I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone a wonderful, safe Christmas and prosperous 2011.
Thanks to all of you who made 2010 such a special and memorable year.
Our impressive results this year would not be possible without your wonderful support which enabled us as a team to maximise our strategies throughout the past 12 months. http://the-firm.com.au/the-firm-s-newsletter.html We have some very exciting news we wish to share with you soon for 2011 which will boost all the members of The FIRM into the next level of security and lifestyle, so stay tuned.
We look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year and to meeting many of your friends.
It was good to see our Christmas gift to you has been well received for the iPhone Solar Charger. Be aware of imitations without the stamp of approval from Apple "Made for iPhone"
For those members continuing to search for bargain basement property in high growth areas before Christmas please call me and check out http://the-firm.com.au/hot-property.html
Have a safe and happy festive season, may all your wishes come true!
Merry Christmas from all the team.
87th Edition November 2010
"Ready for life in The FIRM"
Courtesy of the Weekend Bulletin 20-21st November 2010
Good morning fellow members,
It is indeed an honour to introduce you to our newest member of The FIRM, all the way from Buckingham Palace ... Ha-ha!!! ... (Thanks Erick)
7,954 members and climbing ... Who will be our 8,000th Member???
Stay tuned as the secret is out as our membership expands into China, Malaysia and the UAE early next year.
Halloween @ Hope Island
86th Edition - October 2010
What a great Super Cheap Auto Bathurst 1000 Car Race, nail biting until the end.
You may not be aware that Marcus Marshall is the son of one of our developers John Marshall's NO LIMIT. For all those members who purchased in Villa Casa Blanca, Hope Island Resort in the middle of the Hope Island Golf Course and a host of other developments throughout the Gold Coast and Brisbane over the past 15 years.
Great effort Marcus and Steve coming in 12th, you have done us all very proud! Standby and keep an eye on this Jim Beam Racing Team as it will be one of the strongest endurance teams for the season.
85th Edition
Our Oldest member - 102 years old
Good afternoon fellow members,
For all those members who remember when Annette and I were invited to Eveline's Mum's 100th Year birthday a couple of years ago, well Gertrude celebrated a quiet birthday without all the fuss as she has just turned 102 years of age and still very spritely chasing all the younger men.
Everline tells me that recently Gertrude slipped on a wet floor and hurt herself, it has slowed her down now from running around for a while, but knowing the determination that Gertrude has, it wont be long for her to be back to normal.
Happy 102nd birthday Gertrude, from all the members, we wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.
If you have anything you wish to share with all the other members please do not hesitate to drop me a line.
For previous Newsletters please go direct to http://the-firm.com.au/newsletter.html
Enjoy your wet weekend as we all sit around watching the Grand Finals in all States. ... GO SAINTS!!!!!
Three Generations of Members
Early this year we achieved a milestone for The FIRM as we lapsed in time to our third generation of members.
Kim and husband Jim started the ball rolling a few years ago establishing there first investment here on Hope Island. Then their son, Scott took advantage of the First Home Owners Grant a year ago and purchased his first property in Coomera, a beautiful 4 bedroom DLUG home behind Dreamworld. (Felix Development) Scott now has used his existing equity and savings to already expand his port-folio on a beautiful townhouse nearing construction, also in Coomera. Kim also introduced us to her Mum and Dad who lived in Coffs Harbour. Rosia and Keith decided to relocate to the Gold Coast to be close to all the family and purchased a beautiful apartment at Runaway Bay recently.
Unfortunately Keith, a jovial man with a great sense of humour passed away last week, sadly missed by everyone, especially his wonderful family.
Scott and proud Mum Kim
At the funeral, I had a reality check and stopped and thought, life is too short and sometimes not fair as we set goals and ambitions for the future and don't take time out to stop and smell the roses on the way. Annette read this to me the other day which I wanted to share with you as I believe it is so fitting to today's lifestyle.
Total Acceptance
It is through total acceptance of what is, that you gain total control of what can be. By allowing life to come to you you empower your own purpose to radiate out from you.
You can not successfully fight against what is. For the moment you choose to fight, you are fighting against the past that can not be changed.
Accept the energy that comes to you in this NOW moment, whatever flavour that energy may be. Apply that energy to create a beautiful future filled joy and positive purpose.
Embrace each circumstance as it comes into your awareness. By doing so will access to positive possibilities.
Live from a place with deep seated peace. Instead of jumping into a reaction at every turn of events, exude a consistent, confident purpose.
Lovelingly accept every bit of life as it comes your way. And you will always find much to truly love.
Ralph Marston
Have an exciting week and make time to STOP and smell those roses.
Kindest regards,
84th Edition June 2010
Good morning guys,
Just had to share this with you ... My 57th birthday present ... I wish ... Our friend Troy called over and gave me a test drive ... unbelievable experience ... Now I have to save my pennies ($700K) ... Ha-ha!!!
The Murciélago is an icon of the Lamborghini brand – a sports machine of menacing character and brutal power. Its unique design radiates a supreme form of highly concentrated sensuality. She is wide, low, with its glass windscreen pushed way forward and a long taut back expressing the automatic raised air vents – the soft contours of the basic form and razor sharp edges is the perfect expression of the Lamborghini design.
In her total character, the Murciélago is without comparison to any other sports car on the market today ... A must have!!!
Have a great week as we all continue to turn dreams into a reality.
83rd Edition April/May 2010
Good morning fellow members,
I have a a very special announcement which I would sincerely love to share with you and more importantly listen to your valuable comments and advice to what direction The FIRM needs to go for the future.
Can you suggest what else do you think we could improve on?
As you are aware, The FIRM was formed by you and a handful of members nearly 10 years ago, to be more specific, Queens Birthday long weekend, 10th June 2000. During this period we continue to enjoy the journey, exchanging ideas, sharing vital information, expansion of our property port-folio's, meeting new members, referring friends and family members which are now coming through as a third generation, listened to sound advice from our panel of qualified experts, and delivered the latest News and a current affairs as it happened.
We have all witnessed The FIRM's growth and level of commitment over the years, as we continue to expand and constantly improve our position that continue to benefit all of us for the future.
Our current membership stands at a massive 7,691 members. If we had to categorize all the members into three distinct departments,
- The first third of the early members would hold a minimum of 10 properties in their port-folio showing a ratio of 70% Asset to 30% Debt.
- The second third of the members are our children, who we educated when the first Home Owners Grant was announced, those young members now on average have between 1 to 3 investments currently,
The last third of the members would hold from 1 to 10 properties in their port-folio. Except say 350 to 400 members who are sitting in a holding pattern being closely monitored by our Financiers establishing more secure foundations before they enter the property arena. Included in this department are a few non active members who are business associates.
If we look back to our past achievements -
- Securing a talented and professional team of Financiers, qualified Financial Planners and Accountants offering sound advice, shopping around for the best financial products available, preparing personal 10 year budget forecasts, calculating all the risks and the benefits for property investments for now and the future.
- The FIRM Money The formation created3 years ago was of offered members a 2% reduced rate of interest. Current focus under consideration is creating our own Building Society.
- Consortium of 28 developers who agreed to offer the members property based on Bank Valuations.
- Legal Team of professional property conveyancers - Q Property Law and now joining the team is Platinum Lawyers.
- Property Management for On and Off site Managers to ensure our investments are in pristine condition for better bank valuations.
- Motor Vehicle Finance.
- Self Managed Superannuation Funds for property acquisitions.
- FIRMWOOD Estate - 21 hectre 2,300 themed residential estate and commercial precinct Coomera. Commencing 2013.
More recently was the creation of The FIRM Technologies and also The FIRM Innovative Rapid Modular Construction when we combined new construction technology of a light weight concrete panel system into the design and development for a modular housing system to reduce the rising cost of labour and building material costs so members can benefit from the massive savings.
The most recent has been developing a strong relationship with an Australian inventor of a unique paint protection system which claims a lifetime guarantees to surfaces. More about this later.
Our Future Goals -
We have sort professional advice as to the best way forward for us as a group, bearing in mind the various company port-folio's and International Governments and Public Companies that The FIRM is in discussions with.
The FIRM has emerged as a commercial conglomerate but without real structure, and we think it is time to put all the various pieces together to form one complete corporate entity.
It has been suggested to us that the way ahead for The FIRM would be to go Public, in other words to form a Public Company under the banner of The FIRM as the head body owning 100% of the seperate companies with you as members being the shareholders electing the board of Directors at the AGM's. By doing this the company is spreading the ability of productivity and worth across a number of company structures which all fall under the ownership and control of the Head Company. In that way we can all share the future successes and benefits through offering preferentual shareholding to all the exisiting members of The FIRM (Obviously finer details would need to be worked through) and the balance of shares of the company's shareholding would be released into the Public arena.
Disadvantages for forming a Public listed company are -
Market place fluctuations eg, the possibilities of share prices going down.
The inability of corporations or individuals to control the market.
Volatility of the Market generally.
Members reliance on Directors in make the right decisions.
Advantages of forming a Public listed company are for The FIRM are -
The creation of a legal entity with a regulated corporate responsibility through ASIC. (Australian Securities and Investment Corporation)
Regulated Directors responsibilities through ASIC.
Ease of dealing with other companies and Financial Institutions
Ease of Identity when dealing with overseas Governments and Corporations.
Security for Shareholders eg, Compliance provisions of the corporations act and ASIC requirements.
Transparency eg, Registration of Directors of Company particulars with ASIC available on internet search.
The ability to raise offshore funds in a regulated environment.
The Benefits and Advantages to all the members are -
The opportunity for the members to share in the profits generated by The FIRM eg, Dividends on Shares.
For members to enter the market place with minimal contributions of funds.
Members to share in all the business activities and benefits of the company.
The ability for members as investors to benefit from discounted interest on investment loans.
Other ancillary benefits to members, eg, Incentive promotional bonuses, etc.
The ability for members to express their support and receive additional static income on regular bases.
Ability to have your say in the direction of The FIRM.
So, there you have it, we certainly look forward to hear your valuable comments, advice and direction of The FIRM for the future.
Please email me back or pick up the phone for a quick call as this is very important for all of us.
Have a great day and chat soon!
82nd Edition
February/March 2010
The LEGEND has been BORN
Good morning everyone,
Okay, this is the moment you have all been waiting for ... VOTING has now closed. The short list of 110 names was reduced to the following -
FIRM Build International
FIRM Construction (FIRM Innovative Rapid Modular) Construction
Global Building Technology
Modular Housing Solutions
Quikbild Solutions
Rapid Biulding Technologies
The FIRM Innovative Building Solutions
The response was fantastic from all of you, however there was only going to be one winner from all the entries.
THIRD most popular Company Name was ... "Rapid Building Technologies"
SECOND most popular Company Names was ... "FIRM Construction" - Firm's Innovative Rapid Modular Construction
FIRST most Popular Company name at 35.48% was ... DRUM ROLL ...
The LEGEND has been Born
FIRM Innovative Rapid Modular
ABN: 00 000 000 000
Established 2010
Yes, FIRM Construction - Firm's Innovative Rapid Modular Construction won FIRST Place and was the SECOND most popular choice as well.
FIRST DRAW - Company Name - and the WINNER IS - MANDA and JOHN PALMER
Congratulations Manda and John you have both won a wonderful weekend away to Couran Cove Island Resort for creating the most popular Company name.
SECOND DRAW - Member's Name - and the WINNER is - ANDREW and GINA EASTES
Congratulations Andrew and Gina you have both won a wonderful weekend away to Couran Cove Island Resort as your lucky name was drawn out of the hat.
Thankyou to everyone for participating in the wonderful cause, I hope you had some fun with this as much as I did in presenting this to you.
Have a great week!
81st Edition
December 2009/January 2010
Good afternoon fellow members,
Well, I am back from holidays, now getting back into the saddle after a wonderful relaxing 1 month off doing basically nothing except for few meetings here and there (just cant help myself).
We drove down to Sydney at an easy pace, which took a week, visiting a few members on the way down, it was great to see everyone. Caught up with all our old friends and relatives celebrating Christmas and New Year and the meandered back at another leisurely pace visiting most of the wineries on the way back. So, party time at The FIRM's Head office, open 24 hours ... You know the address!!!!
Annette's Graduation Lexus ready to go! Mal and Lin-Fu Fittler wedding Jayden and Johnny Raper
I have to say our LEXUS 470 4WD was an absolute pleasure to drive, I know I have raved on about this in the past, however this has been the best vehicle I have ever owned. Sitting back in armchair comfort, listening to our favorite CD's and arriving refreshed after a long drive exploring our wonderful coastline. Thankyou to all the boys at LEXUS for convincing me that your cars are superior to Mercedes where ours just sit in the garage collecting dust. Any OFFERS!!!
Drop me a line to say hello as I would be very interested to hear your comments.
This year will be a biggy, all the foundations over the past couple of years have now been established in many arena's of The FIRM.
Check out The FIRM Business Plan 2010
Well, as you can see, the life and times of The FIRM is never dull as we continue to deliver and maintain our standard of excellence for the future.
Remember, drop me a line to say hello as I would be very interested to hear your comments on the direction of The FIRM.
Chat soon!
Kindest regards
80th Edition
November/December 2009
Good afternoon everyone,
Leading upto Christmas festivities now, trust you are preparing your Chrissy Tree, send me a picture! In fact lets run a competition on whose Christmas tree is the best decorated. You can email or forward through your mobile phone a picture of your Christmas tree and I will publish the results on the 12th December. Good Luck!!!!
Just arrived back from Asia to join in on the Melbourne Cup festivities. What a great day, fabulous company and wonderful food, all at our local Golf Club here on Hope Island. Hope you backed a winner ... I didn't!!!
What a whirlwind tour of China, in and out of Boardrooms, Hotels, factories, building sites and aircraft in just 2 weeks and no time to do any of the touristy stuff while Annette held the fort back home. I must say I am now very exhasted however also very excited to share some wonderful news with you about heavily reducing the current building cost and labour for our property investments for the future. For example FIRMWOOD Estate in 2 years time where all these benefits will be passed onto all the members of The FIRM only.
79th Edition
September/ October 2009
I guess you are wondering why you are not hearing from me recently, well I have been travelling the world sourcing solutions that will benefit all The FIRM members, and I believe we have found some great solutions.
The direction of The FIRM is about to explode onto the market with a number of very unique strategies and products that have been carefully planned over many years, now almost reaching the final stages of release. The enormous amount of effort, time and professional advise from our unsung heroes behind the scenes, has been nothing short of a miracle. Their true dedication and support has been unbelievable. Thankyou team!
We have seriously been focusing on some very special projects over the past few years that will certainly benefit every member of The FIRM for the future, however I want to make absolutely sure that I can deliver exactly what I propose for the future, so stay tuned.
Originally from Victoria now living in Queensland, Melainie White, aged 33 years old has spent most of her life as a Real Estate professional and successful property investor. Five and a half years ago Melanie drove to Queensland with only the shirt on her back to start a new beginning. Melainie calculated the potential areas of growth and
purchased a 1 bedroom studio hotel room for $70K from the old Chancellor Resort, Hope Island, you know the one I am talking about, as this is where we were doing all the AGM's and most of you stayed at the Resort from time to time when you are visiting. The reason Melainie brought the Studio was because it was cheaper than rent.
When going unconditional, naturally the bank would not give Melainie approval, as it was under the m2. She was very disappointed and at the same time her accountant happened to contact her and she explained her financial position. Within an hour he returned her call and was able to provide the balance of funds to complete. Within the first 18 months the studio increased in value so Melainie then utilised her equity to leverage and expand her property port-folio.
She has travelled extensively throughout the world mentoring and helping people achieve success through property investing. This book will provide you with proven strategies and industry techniques on insuring you succeed at the “game of property investing.
Melainie now 38 years old has now reached double figures in her property port-folio. She realised that many people she was talking to where unaware of the process and all the benefits of investing in property. So, she created and decided to write her own book titled "Think Property and Grow Rich"
We at The FIRM are honoured to have Melainie as one of our members who inspires everyone she speaks to.
So, Melanaine will giveway to the first 10 members a personally signed copy (valued at $32.50) to those members who can provide an updated Assessment Application (attached) emailed to me direct. For more information please view Melainie's website is www.melainiewhite.com.au
Now, for all those members years ago who were issued The FIRM's caps at the AGM's are now looking a little tired and also for all the new members who never received The FIRM's caps when we replaced them with the Key Rings, we have a special treat for you.
Belinda, one of our established members, is now involved with a new business "Just Love It Embroidery" and has offered all The FIRM members an introductory offer "CONTACT FOR A CAP". All you have to do is recommend a new member and you will receive one of these beautiful embroidered caps in your choice of colour. So please return this email with your friend's name and contact number and include your mailing address so we can express post the cap direct to you.
Enjoy the rest of your week as I continue my globe trotting, searching for the perfect solution to offer The FIRM.
Chat soon!
June /August 2009
Good morning fellow members,
I can not believe how fast the year has gone, my apologies for the delay of what started out to be a monthly Newsletter years ago, has now gone over 3 months, no excuses!
What a year we have all endured, it is enough to make your head spin!!!
Enjoy this edition, as we continue to bring you the latest news and gossip in the world of The FIRM.
- Happy 80th Birthday Dad.
- Welcome new members
- The FIRM Technologies.
- Celebrity Corner
In closing
Mum & Dad celebrating his 80th Birthday (Ken and Nancye Ibbitson)
It was lovely to celebrate and share my Dad's 80th Birthday, Ken, last Saturday, very special moment with the family that will never be forgotten. Amazing how we all have very busy schedules and it is times like this when we must slow down and reflect on our past. Give your Dad a call, you will be surprised at the topics of conversation, remember Father's Day is this Sunday.
Welcome to new members
On behalf of all the members we are proud to announce our new members since the last newsletter. A warm welcome to our exclusive and exciting group. Thankyou for your support. This month's new members are -
Recently we formed a new corporation The FIRM Technologies Pty. Ltd. to research new technologies that maybe available in the market place to source a solution to reduce the current building costs of material and labour. The rapid rate of escalating building material costs and the rise in interest rates will eventually force us as investors out of the market place, which could be catastrophic for the future housing and rental market.
During our research we were able to source a building solution that could revolutionise current building techniques for the future. This technology will allow us to construct the envelope of an average 250m2 home within 24 hours including footings, floor, external & internal walls, and roof for a very competitive price. All certifications and Australian building standards have all been approved. To commence manufacturing the cost to produce here in Australia is prohibitive so we have sourced alternative arrangements. This technology is not new, however has never been commercialised to this level in the past. So, stay tuned as we continue to improve our standard of excellence for now and the future.
Closing Comments
Have a great month and remember - "Pay attention to the future because this is where you will spend the rest of your life".
Well, this completes another monthly newsletter as we continue to keep you upto date with the latest news and results as they happen.
Looking forward to hear from you regarding any matters, news, concerns, questions or praises any time. I am on the air every day to answer your call.
Stay tuned for another exciting episode ....until next time, keep Healthy WEALTHY and Wise.
Good morning everyone,
Well, finally,with so much frustration we are back on track ... PHEW!!!! ... Temporally! Thanks to all those members who have converted me now to an Apple. Computers ... Cant live with them and cant live without them ... Ha-ha!!!
7,000th Member
Craig and Michelle became our official 7,000th member on the 15th May 2009. They are now the proud new members who joined many other members supporting the Silvershores development. Craig is well known to the Gold Coast with Ashmore Health Centre. http://www.healthcentre.net.au/
You may remember the constant radio commercials on 92.5FM promoting Thermal Imaging. Craig's specialty is Myotherapy. I am a living testimony to the results going back 7 years ago when we first met. Congratulations Craig and Michelle you have chosen well for your first investment.
Since the 15th May 2009 we are officially 7,019 members strong and growing. Thankyou to all the members for their on-going support.
Here are a few more happy members this month that chose Silvershores -
October 2008/January 2009
Good morning fellow members,
I can not believe how fast the year has gone, my apologies for the delay of what started out to be a monthly Newsletter years ago, has now gone over 4 months, no excuses!
What a year we have all endured, it is enough to make your head spin. Starting off doing battle with the Federal Govt on Low Cost Affordable Housing, forming a Consortium with all our developers, the downturn of the current economic market with many members having to extend their work commitments and put retirement on hold due to their drop in superannuation, etc. etc. no wonder I am exhasted.
The good news is that we are getting closer to FIRMWOOD Estate. Contracts were signed $100,000ml on 18th December 2008 subject to 90 day due diligence with settlement due on the 18th June 2009. More details in March.
Word out on the streets are that we are to expect another 1% drop in interest rates very soon and another 1% soon after. Interesting to note when we were all experiencing the higher rates last year we all raised our rentals accordingly. Did you reduce the rental rates now the interest rates have dropped? ... No I didnt think so! ... And they say properties are risky, just look at the share market ... Ha-ha-ha!!!!
Other good news is we are also moving forward carrying out the balance of our due diligence on exciting new building technology which will revolutionalise the building industry by building completed normal homes within 7 DAYS for a fraction of the price, yes massive savings. I will be announcing this very soon!
Enjoy this edition, as we continue to bring you the latest news and gossip in the world of The FIRM.Some of the
Welcome to new members.
Celebrity Corner.
What would we do without your mobile phone http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgsw-NgDoFE&feature=related
In closing
Archives of the LAST EDITION http://the-firm.com.au/newsletter.html
TOTAL current MEMBERSHIP 6,864
Welcome to new members
On behalf of all the members we are proud to announce our new members since the last newsletter. A warm welcome to our exclusive and exciting group. Thankyou for your support.
August/September 2008
Good morning fellow members,
Christmas is just around the corner as time ticks away for another year ... Unbelievable!
Great news with the latest growth rate statistics for the quarter just released ... we all chose developments in areas 3.5% better than the average areas ... Fantastic News!
This month we made history with our application to establish the National Rental Affordability & Low Cost Housing Scheme with the Commonwealth Government, I will keep you in the loop as we progress as the benefits for all the members are massive.
STOP PRESS!!! ... Our Superyacht "The Boardroom" has just arrived ... more details to follow soon.
Enjoy this edition, as we continue to bring you the latest news and gossip in the world of The FIRM.
- Welcome to new members.
- Chef of the Year - Nathan Barker.
- Gertrud turns One-Hundred years old.
- Hope in Artistry.
- American V8 Luxury.
- Junior Pro Birdie's 1st Hole at Hope Island Resort Golf Course.
- Current Economic Climate
- In closing
Archives of the LAST EDITION http://the-firm.com.au/newsletter.html
Welcome to new members TOTAL current MEMBERSHIP 6,628
On behalf of all the members we are proud to announce our new members since the last newsletter. A warm welcome to our exclusive and exciting group. Thankyou for your support.
CHEF of the YEAR - Nathan Barker
Last week, Executive Chef, Nathan Barker, future son-in-law, took out the prestigious Gold Coast People's Choice Restaurant Award
"CHEF of the YEAR" for The Melrose Restaurant.
Nathan's culinary talents were inspired by his surroundings of the SeaWorld Nara Resort here on the Gold Coast.
To qualify to be a finalist your restaurant had to achieve a minimum 300 guests recommendations and praises. All restaurants throughout the Gold Coast competed, however, Nathan generated the strongest following. CONGRATULATIONS Nathan! ... Chip off the old block!!!!
Nathan, just so happens that we are organising a quiet intimate dinner party for a few guests ... All 6,628 of us!!!
Gertrud turns 100 years old
What a night last Sunday was when everyone kicked up there heels to celebrate Gertrud's very special day. Letters flowed in from -
Her Majesty the Queen of England "I am pleased to hear that you are celebrating your One-Hundredth Birthday. My sincere congratulations on this very special day" signed Elizabeth R.
Prime Minister Australia, Mr. Kevin Rudd " Therese and I offer our sincere congratulations on the occasion of your 100th birthday."
Premier of Queensland, Anna Bligh " Congratulations Gertrud Kruger on celebrating your 100th birthday on the 16th September 2008 I wish you every happiness for the future"
Born 1908 Gertrud experienced not one but two world wars in Berlin, a raging bush fire in Tasmania 1969 loosing all her worldly personal possessions and friends on all occasions. Gertrud is accustomed to rebuilding her life, perhaps this is her secret to life.
John and Eveline Breindl (Disco Duck) had prepared a beautiful party atmosphere with guests travelling from all around the globe.
On behalf of all the members we wish you a very special day and CONGRATULATIONS!
There is HOPE in Artistry
Georgie Hope is motivated to the extreme as her goals are to have 10 new property investments within the next 5 years.
Georgie's entrepreneurial skills and artist talents encouraged her to create her first Art Exhibition. The whole family chipped in as Dad and Mum presenting some brilliant photography art, whilst brother Ron displayed some body sculptures that have to be the best I have ever seen. The word travelled fast and many other budding artists displayed their art as well.
The exhibition was very successful generating a few sales, enough to cover the overheads and a handsome profit, except when Georgie received the Public Liability account. That's OK! I have introduced Georgie to our Insurance Company who will have these costs reduced for the next exhibition.
So, if you are a budding artist or you know anyone who wishes to participate in the next exhibition in Brisbane please call me for details.
American V8 Luxury
Gary Ibbitson, yes, my baby brother celebrates another win. Gary's hobby is restoring American V8 concourse cars with his latest addition to his stable a 1977 Lincoln Continental Coupe, fully restored and left-hand drive.
Gary's floor area in his shed is now bulging at the seams so now is considering Car Lifts so he can double his collection. President of numerous clubs here in Queensland he is always looking for new enthusiasts ... Interested, call me!!
Junior Pro - Birdie's 1st Hole - Hope Island Resort
The Hope Island Junior Golf Program was established to introduce more young girls and boys to the game of golf and to nurture their skills and enjoyment of the sport. The Program includes Saturday, Sunday and weekday junior clinics, skill challenges, certificates of achievement, Holiday Camps and Junior 9 Hole Events. The program provides a safe and positive learning environment for all Junior Golfers and most importantly is fun!
Peter Cote coached Jayden, our 9 year old for the past 3 years. Jayden was invited to play on the course. We, the parents have to be the children's "caddie" (Chauffeur) as they are all under age to drive the Golf Carts.To everyone's amazement Jayden delivered a birdie on the 1st Hole.
The competition is fierce out there with the children all under 14 years of age. Anyone out there for the Challenge "Can you beat a 4th Grader"... Ha-ha!!!
Current Economic Climate
The best time to buy investment property is before tomorrow.
If you are waiting to see if tomorrow will be the best time to buy investment property, then here is something that may be of interest to you.
Had you bought investment property in South East Queensland from me back in 1996 when the interest rates were about the same, you would now be ahead by nearly $300,000.
Queensland's population has been growing by an average of 75,000 annually, which has forced the demand and the prices.
So, if you are waiting for tomorrow , it may come at a higher price. You know what to do! ... Call me now!!!!!
OUR SUPERYACHT HAS ARRIVED - Details to follow soon

The Boardroom
Closing Comments
Have a great month and remember - "Pay attention to the future because this is where you will spend the rest of your life".
Well, this completes another monthly newsletter as we continue to keep you upto date with the latest news and results as they happen.
Looking forward to hear from you regarding any matters, news, concerns, questions or praises any time. I am on the air every day to answer your call.
Stay tuned for another exciting episode ....until next time, keep Healthy WEALTHY and Wise.
June/July 2008
Good morning fellow members,
Well another year has just whisked past ... where did it go!!!
What a month, PARTIES, PARTIES, PARTIES ... Annette and I celebrated our 33rd year Wedding Anniversary, my 55th Birthday and also we all celebrate The FIRM's 8th Year Anniversary as well ... PHEW!!!!
Think back for a moment to consider when we first met, (some of you 10 to 15 years ago) you have achieved many incredible milestones to secure a better lifestyle for the future ... Well done!
Enjoy this edition, as we continue to bring you the latest news and gossip in the world of The FIRM.
TOTAL current MEMBERSHIP 6,494 ... Who will be our lucky 6,500th member?
6,500th Member is ...
Ron and Helen Derrick & grandson Lachlan
Quick note to announce our 6,500th couple, I would like to introduce our new members, Ron and Helen Derrick from Sorrento, Gold Coast, who are the proud new owners of Villa Casablanca on Hope Island Resort.
Careful planning and budgeting advice from the team, Ron and Helen were able to take advantage of the bargains that The FIRM's HOT PROPERTY had to offer with 3 properties in their property port-folio and plan to expand rapidly again soon to include their 2 sons and daughter ... CONGRATULATIONS... as you now have secured a better lifestyle for your future.
Thankyou to all the members for your ongoing support and by sharing this information with friends is the best compliment you can give. This is an exciting milestone for The FIRM as we continue to deliver our standard of excellence.
Guess who has turned 25?
Yes, you guessed it! ... Natasha our second eldest daughter has made the quarter century without incident. She had a unique idea to celebrate her birthday by swimming with the dolphins at Seaworld and then celebrating with family and friends, providing a themed pink 'Tea party' in their apartment afterwards. What a contrast as our eldest daughter Serina 27years old goes canoeing, ruffing the elements.
Current Economic Climate
The best time to buy investment property is before tomorrow.
If you are waiting to see if tomorrow will be the best time to buy investment property, then here is something that may be of interest to you.
Had you bought investment property in South East Queensland from me back in 1996 when the interest rates were about the same, you would now be ahead by nearly $300,000.
Queensland's population has been growing by an average of 75,000 annually, which has forced the demand and the prices.
So, if you are waiting for tomorrow , it may come at a higher price. You know what to do! ... Call me now!!!!!
OUR SUPERYACHT - "The Boardroom"
“Firstly, I want to thank all those members who have indicated their expressions of interest in our very special super yacht opportunity-- The response was overwhelming so now we are proceeding to make the offer to you formal.
Our legal advisers tell us we need to give you the offer in the form of a product Disclosure Statement and that the offer would need to be made as a managed investment scheme registered with the ASIC. So that’s what we are going to do.
In the not too distant future we will come back to you with a registered scheme and a formal offer via a PDS. The PDS will summarize all of the costs and benefits of ownership. And we intend to use the registered scheme make additional offers on other yachts in the future.
Your expressions of interest have been recorded and those who have indicated an interest will be given first right of refusal. It’s not too late to register your interest to receive a PDS for the holiday of a lifetime.
So let me know if you want to receive the PDS and be one of the first in Australia to have access to a floating luxury holiday including owning the yacht”.
Closing Comments
Have a great month and remember - "Pay attention to the future because this is where you will spend the rest of your life".
Well, this completes another monthly newsletter as we continue to keep you upto date with the latest news and results as they happen.
Looking forward to hear from you regarding any matters, news, concerns, questions or praises any time. I am on the air every day to answer your call.
Stay tuned for another exciting episode ....until next time, keep Healthy WEALTHY and Wise.
April/May 2008
Good morning fellow members,
All these long weekends make us think we are permanently on holidays here in Queensland, I trust you have enjoyed them as much as we have.
HOT PROPERTY is certainly out of control as an example of Villa Casablanca were all snapped up within 6 hours. More great opportunities are still on the horizon as we carry out the balance of our due diligence for more bargains on Hope Island, which will be released very soon.
For live updates http://the-firm.com.au/hot-property.html
Enjoy this edition, as we continue to bring you the latest news and gossip in the world of The FIRM.
Welcome to new members
From Rags to ROCHES
Corporate One the private airline
The FIRM Travel
In closing
TOTAL current MEMBERSHIP 6,393
Celebrity Doctors of the Gold Coast Doctor Kevin and Doctor Sue Roche couldn't resist the temptation to put their name down for the Villa Casablanca Presidential suite on Hope Island Resort's Golf course estate yesterday. They even upgraded their tender for the weekend to celebrate.
"Corporate One the private airline"
Well, congratulations are in order after 2 years patiently waiting for the certificate of registration Australian Trademark has now been granted to us this week.
Another step closer, however still we have a long way to go to the next stage. Naturally, I will keep you in the loop.
FIRMWOOD Estate is moving along nicely at the moment as we have appointed a Town Planner, Mr. Allan Wallis from NZ to orchestrate the preliminary concept plans.
One thing is for sure that FIRMWOOD Estate is shaping up to be one of the most exciting developments ever seen on the planet. Once we have everything in place I am positive that you will be so proud to be associated with this development.
I know I have only been providing small tid-bits of the project recently as I have been carrying out the balance of our due diligence. Members who visited recently have been very supportive with the overview. In fact, their enthusiasm for providing additional ideas from their own businesses have certainly assisted in moulding the foundations of this very special project. So, if you have any innovative ideas that will enhance FIRMWOOD Estate please call me.
Originally, the council considered a height limit of 6 levels within a portion of the precinct, however they are now considering a higher density to a possible additional 10 levels. This could potentionally expand the residential component from 1,500 residents to ... who knows ... in excess of 6,000+ residents.
We have created a unique plan with a particular developer who will be able to produce a very high quality product for a fraction of the price within a limited time schedule. Naturally, these benefits will be forwarded onto you and your friends.
Want to know more, then please call me ... I can go through most of the details with you now.
Closing Comments
Have a great month and remember - "Pay attention to the future because this is where you will spend the rest of your life".
Well, this completes another monthly newsletter as we continue to keep you upto date with the latest news and results as they happen.
Looking forward to hear from you regarding any matters, news, concerns, questions or praises any time. I am on the air every day to answer your call.
Stay tuned for another exciting episode ....until next time, keep Healthy WEALTHY and Wise.
72nd Edition January/March 2008
Good morning everyone,
Well, here we are again with the latest Newsletter, I cannot believe that this is now our 72nd Edition. How time has flown with plenty of water flowing under the bridge (pardon the punn) as most of Australia received enormous rainfall since our last Newsletter in November when the whole country was in drought.
Let's focus on the past 3 months in the world of The FIRM. My vision is to continue to be surrounded by professionals in their chosen fields to guide us in the right direction so The FIRM, as we rapidly expand, can maintain our standard of excellence now and for the future as we have done in the past.
Some of us are going through preparing to tighten their belts, where others are feeling very comfortable with the current economic climate ... Why is this so? To answer this question and many other questions you need to seek independent advise from experts who have knowledge of your specific circumstances and I recommend that you consider that advice.
Now, lets highlight the past 3 months in the world of The FIRM.
"Top Gun" is like a Ferrari on the water reaching speeds of upto 60 knots. Zoom ... Zoom ... Zoom!!!
Thought I would share with you a picture of Jayden now as he has really shot up in height since last time you saw him. His talents are expanding to the saxophone as he continues to enjoy his music.
Newly wed members, Deb and Vishu Biswas have officially opened their new shop last month called "Indian Essence" - 21/99 West Burleigh Rd, Burleigh. They both are extremely proud of their new venture which will assist them to expand on their existing property port-folio for the future. Please give them your support and ask about their ready made curries ... they are yummy!!!
For those members who know Ngaire visiting your home recently, this is her dream machine.
Thankyou to all the members who were concerned why I haven't spent time emailing you as I normally do. I have been so focused recently on FIRMWOOD Estate that it has taken most of my time. More about FIRMWOOD in this edition below.
The current economic climate has spooked a few developers which may lead to a few bargains coming soon. Stay tuned for HOT PROPERTY!!!
Enjoy this edition as I continue to deliver to you the latest news and gossip in the world of The FIRM.
If you happen to miss out on the latest information go direct to the web-site as everything is updated regularly.
Thankyou for spreading the word to your friends and relatives as we become stronger on the negotiating table.
Call me, love to have a chat, as it has been a while.
Chat to you soon.
Welcome to new members
FIRM Money
The FIRM Travel
In closing
TOTAL current MEMBERSHIP 6,343
FIRM Money
Thankyou everyone for your support on FIRM Money, the guys are doing a great job looking after your needs.
Patti Anderson (my assistant) had to be transferred to the office down in Currumbin at the beginning of the year to help catch up with the backlog of processing. You can call her direct now on the 1300 595 110. Someone better tell her that blondes do have more fun as she is now a brunette ... Ha-ha!!!
We have renewed our long standing relationship with the girls from Assett Finance ... you remember ... Susanne, Angela and Lea? Well, now they have created an even stronger team for support, some of you have already met Aimi and Carley who are both very switched on. Their number is 1300 656 414. Call them now for a Financial Health check.
During our absence, Lea decided to start a family and is a very proud mum. She now works 3 days a week to assist all our members enquiries.
We welcome them back on board. Stay tuned for some very special incentives exclusive to The FIRM members.
Thankyou to all the members who were concerned why I haven't spent time emailing you as I normally do. I have been so focused recently on FIRMWOOD Estate that it has taken most of my time, just ask Annette.
One thing is for sure that FIRMWOOD Estate is shaping up to be one of the most exciting developments ever seen on the planet. Once we have everything in place I am positive that you will be so proud to be associated with this development.
I know I have only been providing small tid-bits of the project recently as I have been carrying out the balance of our due diligence. Members who visited recently have been very supportive with the overview. In fact, their enthusiasm for providing additional ideas from their own businesses have certainly assisted in moulding the foundations of this very special project. So, if you have any innovative ideas that will enhance FIRMWOOD Estate please call me.
Originally, the council considered a height limit of 6 levels within a portion of the precinct, however they are now considering a higher density to a possible additional 10 levels. This could potentionally expand the residential component from 1,500 residents to ... who knows ... in excess of 6,000+ residents.
We have created a unique plan with a particular developer who will be able to produce a very high quality product for a fraction of the price within a limited time schedule. Naturally, these benefits will be forwarded onto you and your friends.
Want to know more, then please call me ... I can go through most of the details with you now.
Closing Comments
Have a great mont and remember - "Pay attention to the future because this is where you willspend the rest of your life"
Well, this completes another monthly newsletter as we continue to keep you upto date with the latest news and current affairs as they happen.
Looking forward to hear from you regarding any matters, news, concerns, questions, or praises anytime. I am on the air every day to answer your cll.
Stay tuned for another exciting episode ... until next time, keep Healthy, WEALTHY and Wise.
Kindest regards,
A Proud member of The FIRM
0414 888 186
The FIRM's Newsletter
Good morning fellow members,
Thankyou to all of you who made 2007 such a special and memorable year.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone a wonderful Christmas and prosperous 2008.
Our impressive results this year would not be possible without your effective support which enabled me to maximise our strategies throughout the past 12 months.
Our standard of excellence for investment properties is to always provide the best in service whilst focusing on the high growth areas and good quality developments of the Gold Coast and Brisbane.
If you are visiting the Gold Coast during the Christmas break, why not make time to call in for a coffee, to discuss your investment opportunities. I can also provide most of the information on FIRMWOOD Estate for your consideration to add to your investment port-folio for 2008.
We look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year and to meeting many of your friends.
Have a safe and happy festive season may all your wishes come true!
Merry Christmas from all the team.
Kindest regards,
John Ibbitson
Founder & Chairman
71st Edition September/October 2007
Good morning everyone,
Well, what a massive 2 months we have had with the formation of The FIRM's Insurance company, The FIRM's Non Mortgage Finance, breaking headline news with the key to unlock our superannuation for more properties, brilliant quality and location of HOT Property SOLD in 6.5hrs, a new facelift to our logo, winning the award and one of the most important days of the year ... Fathers Day.
Yes, we decided to do something very special for Fathers Day with our friends, The Bulmer family (members) and hired a 1875 cottage in the Granite Belt, Stanthorpe, South Queensland. We had an absolute ball as we test drove the new Lexus LX470 (Fathers Day present) for 3 hours to one of the best wine regions on the planet. The cellar has been topped up now ready for some serious parties ... Ha-ha!!!
Enjoy this edition as I continue to deliver to you the latest news and gossip in the world of The FIRM.
If you happen to miss out on the latest information or gossip go direct to the web-site as everything is updated regularly.
"Sharing this information with a friend is the best compliment you can give!"
Kindest regards,
John Ibbitson
Founder & Chairman
- Welcome to new members
- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Introduction to our team
- Our Home
- The FIRM Travel
- In closing
TOTAL current MEMBERSHIP 6,237
Our Home
Annette and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in introducing 18 genuine prospects who are considering our home for their new residence. News on the lucky family will be announced at the end of the month. So, if you know anyone who is considering Hope Island for their next home, please call me and the $100,000 referral fee is yours.
Posh Property Showcase
Position - Position - Position
Surrounded by water
Priced on Bank Valuation $3.5ml
* With water to the front and to the back of this property it has prime position in the Rosebank Estate of Hope Island Resort
* High ceilings and huge windows mean that this 60sq home is flooded with natural light and spectacular water views
* You wont be short of space for all of your envious guests with 5 bedrooms plus a study
* The sparkling in-ground pool will offer a welcome escape from the summer sun
* All of this in one of the most prestigious streets in Hope Island Resort
Hope Island Residential Resort is well on its way to becoming Australia premier residential resort community and you can be part of this dynamic and exciting development and enjoy its many benefits.
When you live or invest at Hope Island Residential Resort you enjoy a world class lifestyle coupled with a solid investment in the fastest growing region in Australia, Queensland Gold Coast.
Ideally situated just 45 minutes drive from Brisbane Airport, 35 minutes drive from Coolangatta Airport and within close proximity to shops, restaurants, theme parks, schools and of course our internationally acclaimed Golf Courses. Hope Island Resort truly is lifestyle at its best.
More Pictures - Click below
One of the genuine parties interested in our home is a wealthy businessman from Beijing. During our discussions last Saturday we were exchanging business cards and asked what line of business we were in. He was very interested in FIRMWOOD Estate and another meeting was set last Thursday with our developers. After detailing the development on the 56 hectares of land in Coomera he became even more interested in assisting us with a joint venture arrangement. He has now returned back to Beijing to discuss this with his colleagues. I will keep you posted as we progress.
For all you Travel requirements including Discount Flights, Car Rental, Accommodation, etc Please contact Denise Loftus Ph: 03 974... or melttrvl@bigpond.net.au Denise is a long term member of The FIRM and understands what we all need and is happy to assist you.
Closing Comments
Have a great month and remember - "Pay attention to the future because this is where you will spend the rest of your life.
Well, this completes another monthly newsletter as we continue to keep you upto date with the latest news and results as they happen.Looking forward to hear from you regarding any matters, news, concerns, questions or praises any time. I am on the air every day to answer your call. Stay tuned for another exciting episode ....until next time,
"Keep Healthy WEALTHY and Wise"
70th Edition - August 2007
Good afternoon everyone,
Well, another month coming to a close with plenty happening. Thankyou to everyone who emailed their concerns on not receiving the latest Newsletter. Things have been a little hectic since May as you could imagine with all the activity happening around here, however here it is..
... Where do we start!
Great news about Disneyland coming to town (Coomera) which has sent everyone ballistic. Lucky we have plenty of stock available soon that we have land banked for all these years ... GO FIRMWOOD!!!!!
As many of you are constantly reminding me that I should have an assistant to ease the work load, well, I have finally sourced a very special person after all these years, who I believe will be able to keep up with me. Please meet Patti Anderson. From time to time Patti will be calling you as a courtesy to see how you are going and to see if you need any assistance for the future.
Patti is currently in training with GE Money so she will also be versed with all of the many products the The FIRM Money can offer. In addition to this she will be spending time with all the other departments including The FIRM's Property Management, The FIRM's Managed Investment Funds and The FIRM Insurance (launching soon) This way she should be well versed to assist everyone. Call her direct on +61 7 55 140 889 during business hours 10am - 5pm for any enquiries ... Be gentle on her, after all she is on '"L Plates" ... Ha-ha!!!
Patti Anderson
As you are all aware the launch of The FIRM Money has been a runaway success with many members having a closer look at their interest payments especially now that the rates have risen. Give them a call on 1300 595 110. I guess we will all be increasing our rentals to offset the increase, the poor tenant seems to always be at the brunt of it all.
Talking of tenants, most of the on-site managers have confirmed long waiting lists for tenants to move into properties and are continuing to offer higher rentals than published is starting to ease a little.
Thankyou to all those members who participated in the $50,000 Cash give-away from The FIRM Money. Sorry you didn't win, however I trust you enjoyed the little bonus that was sent to you.
Enjoy this edition as I continue to deliver to you the latest news and gossip in the world of The FIRM.
Kindest regards,
John Ibbitson
Executive Director
Welcome to New Members.
Congratulations to Golden Key Members.
Congratulations to the 'YOUNGEST' member
Congratulations to our newly Weds - Deb Biswas
Fund raising for East Timor - Can you help?
The FIRM's Travel Club. I
In Closing.
Welcome to New Members
On behalf of all The FIRM members, we are proud to announce our new members since the last NEWSLETTER. A warm welcome to our exclusive and exciting group. I do apologise if I have missed anyone.
Interesting to note how many families are helping their children now.(Family Trust) ... Well Done!!!!
Total current membership 6,124
To see your name please look through the secured Members Section
Our "YOUNGEST" Member
Phil, Sherie and baby Ashton
Well it's finally happened! Sherie has given birth to a beautiful baby boy just last week. Phil and Sherie (Pro-Motion Media) are so very proud as he states in his email to me.
"Call us biased but we think our baby is the best looking baby in the world!"
Phil & Shez :)
Fund raising for East Timor - GOLD COIN
Steve and Alision Pascoe (foundation members) have been travelling over to East Timor every spare moment they have to rebuild a village that urgently needed attention. They are off again in September and have asked for our help.
If everyone could contribute just a GOLD COIN for this very worthy cause, it would certainly make a difference to the village who desperately needs our help.
Steve and Alison have opened a special account where you can direct deposit or just call him.
Bank: ANZ
Branch: Studfield (Vic)
BSB No: 013433
Account No: 522870863
Account Name: VQQ Trust A/C
Steve Pascoe,
Co-ordinator Community Safety & Emergency Management
Knox City Council
Phone 03 9298 8484
Hi John. Ali and I are off to East Timor again in September. We have a number of projects on the drawing board that we need some help with and are wondering if we could appeal to our FIRM friends for assistance.
Last year we visited East Timor twice and completed a number of projects. We work in the township of Viqueque (in the south east of the country) in association with some friends and the City of Geelong which has a sister city relationship with Viqueque. Groups and organizations from Geelong have taken on the support of education and health in the town and the rebuilding of the town square.
Since our first visit in April 2006, Ali and I have:
- completed two water supply projects to parts of the town without piped water.
- The first was to a small village of disadvantaged women who had to walk several km to collect water from the river. A number of children were killed each year by crocodiles. Now they have sufficient water to be healthy, grow vegetables, and have a greater sense of pride.
The second project was to an area in the town that had a tank installed by an aid program many years ago but had been wrecked by the Indonesian military as they left East Timor in 1999 (as was nearly every other piece of infrastructure). Each of these projects cost around US$200.00 - supported an independent secondary school with materials and support to volunteer teachers. This school was established by a group of parents and teachers who wanted a better education for their children than that offered by the corrupt and poorly run government school.
- funded the purchase of 2 treadle sewing machines and an over-locker. These were to support a women's sewing group. The sewing machines and over-locker are US$90.00 each, and are well beyond the capacity of local people to purchase.
- helped establish two soccer grounds for junior soccer clubs. Because of the fatality rate during the Indonesian occupation and the population's commitment to the Catholic faith, 50% of the East Timorese population is under 15 yrs. While most young people attend school, there is little else to occupy their time (there is very little paid employment). Without a positive outlet, young men can become associated with trouble makers. Soccer is the main sport and provides the positive outlet required. There are about 10 soccer clubs in Viqueque, mostly poorly equipped and playing on rough, open fields.
- sponsored 2 teenagers (Januario and Vina) to senior secondary school and on to university. This year Vina has worked for the United Nations in East Timor as an election official.
In September we have a few more projects in mind.
- The women's sewing group that we bought sewing machines for are hoping to make school uniforms for the town's children. Currently the uniforms must be purchased from the school. We believe that a fair amount of the cost of the uniforms finds its way into the pockets of school officials who have grown up in the Indonesian system where corruption is the way to get ahead. The women believe they can make and sell the uniforms for about half the price that the families are currently paying.
- To start, they need a donation or loan to purchase start-up materials. Once they are producing and selling uniforms, they hope to build a sustainable industry, reducing costs to families, providing employment to local women (where there are no current opportunities), create a cash flow around the town, build self esteem and confidence, and demonstrate an alternative to corruption.
- We have committed to raising US$1000 to help the women purchase their start up materials. We propose that this will be in the form of an interest free loan that they can pay back as the business establishes. Once repaid, we can finance other small businesses. Hopefully we can sustain a small micro credit scheme that allows the communities to build their own future. While it is tempting to donate the uniforms or materials, in fact it is much better to inject cash into their economy. By doing this they learn to manage a business, build skills, and injects of cash into a very poor economy. Only about 10% of adults have a paid job and the average pay is around US$10/week. Without external help they can never begin to get out of their poverty.
- As explained earlier the town is full of young people. While generally very well behaved and respectful, it is inevitable that unoccupied young males will find trouble to get into. Supporting the development of soccer in Viqueque will provide an outlet for their energy.
We hope to support the establishment of more soccer fields and clubs. When we were there last August we watched a soccer game. Many of the players did not have a full uniform and at the end of the first game we watched the junior players run to the sidelines, take off their boots (those who had them) and give them to the senior team players for the next game. Cost for establishing or refurbishing a soccer field includes removing vegetation, cartage of sand from the river for levelling, purchase and fabrication of goals and nets, and feeding the many willing volunteers. For this project we are also hoping to raise US$1000. Any spare funds will be used to upgrade uniforms.
- We are also intending to undertake another water supply project. Costs for this will not be too high and our families have forgone their Christmas presents and donated the equivalent amount to these projects.
- If we have a significant surplus we might look at renovating the local airstrip. Currently it is eroded and unusable. The road trip to Viqueque currently takes over 6 hours on very rough roads. An airstrip would allow the same trip to be taken in 1/2hr. This would enable more visits, enable medical evacuations, and perhaps establish a tourist trade.ture.
I am sorry that this is a bit long winded. We are hoping that you might promote our cause to our fellow FIRM members. I am sure that there are many, such as ourselves, who consider themselves very lucky to be able to plan our financial future with your help. There are many people in the world who barely have a present, let alone a fu
It is in helping others, that we truly realize our worth.
If you could help us we would be truly grateful.
Steve and Alison Pascoe
Wedding Bells again!!! Congratulations
Well, Deb tied the knot on Tuesday to ask Bishu's hand in marriage. With his immediate equity he was able to have a real humdinger of a wedding ... Had to say that, couldn't help myself ...Ha-ha!!!
On behalf of all the members we wish to congratulate both of you on this very special day.
Vishu and Deb Biswas
For all you Travel requirements including Discount Flights, Car Rental, Accommodation, etc Please contact Denise Loftus Ph: 03 974... or melttrvl@bigpond.net.au Denise is a long term member of The FIRM and understands what we all need and is happy to assist you.
Closing Comments
Have a great month and remember - "Pay attention to the future because this is where you will spend the rest of your life".
Well, this completes another monthly newsletter as we continue to keep you upto date with the latest news and results as they happen.
Looking forward to hear from you regarding any matters, news, concerns, questions or praises any time. I am on the air every day to answer your call.
Stay tuned for another exciting episode ....until next time, keep Healthy WEALTHY and Wise.
Kindest regards,
Proud member of The FIRM
0414 888 186
June 2007 69th Edition
Good morning everyone,
Hasn't time gone fast since our last Newsletter, so much has happened with the demise of Silverseas Resort & Spa, launching our new Estate at Coomera FIRMWOOD Estate and picking up a few bargains on the way with the Mortgagee in Possession at Woody Point and Coomera.
More importantly, it was great catching up with many members over the break, a few who weathered the storms to join us at Couran Cove had a very relaxing time sitting on the balcony having a few quiet ales and cocktails to celebrate Annette and my 32 year Wedding Anniversary.
Well, I guess we are all back to our abnormal routines as the School Holidays are started.
Friday 13th has been and gone ... PHEW!!!! I was doing my regular hourly morning walk when I walked in front of a bicyclists. Lamson Vuu from Melbourne had a near miss in his car. Helen Wise from Sydney was driving in heavy rain when her windscreen wipers flew off. I think this tops all Friday 13the tragedies with this $4.5ml Sunseeker being offloaded from a ship.
Annette and I had the pleasure to be invited to the special launch of Ann Middleton's jewelery party at the Palazzo Versace recently, a stunning event with her masterpieces of exquisite design on display. As you can see the giggle juice had just started to take effect!
Enjoy this edition as I attempt to keep you upto date with the ever changing world of The FIRM.
Please click here to view our archive of past newsletters and video streaming.
- Welcome to our 6,000th member
- FIRMWOOD Estate Logo winner is ...
- Trade stock
- Video Email Streaming
- The winner $50,000 CASH is ...
- The FIRM's Travel Club
- In Closing
Welcome to our 6,000th member
On behalf of all The FIRM members, we are proud to announce our new members since the last newsletter.
A warm welcome to our exclusive and exciting group.
Congratulations to our 6,000th memberwho joined us a couple of weeks ago.
Total current membership now 6,061 members.
Thankyou to all our members for constantly refering their friends and relatives. Good to see that we are focusing on our children to prepare their future for them.
"Sharing this information is the best compliment you can give"
FIRMWOOD Estate Logo winner is ....
The response and enthusiasm from everyone (2391) has been outrageous, thank you for all your support and wanting to be a part of this very special event. We had budding artists from all walks of life including a few professional graphic artists however there can be only one winner. The designer of the winning entries are from members John Webber and Simon Bank. Give them a call and say thank you, they would really appreciate it. Thank you.
2nd Place: Simon Banks started a website design business while studying Business at university over 7 years ago and has enjoyed growing the business over this time. Simon's specialty is creating great value websites that can be easily managed and maintained by clients themselves. For any website requirements contact Simon at Webstudio on 1800 008 606 or email simon@webstudio.com.au.
1s Place: John Webber CORE DESIGN 04...
Thanks for voting for my design for the FIRMWOOD LOGO. John Ibbitson has asked me to give some background re my ideas that lead to this design.
Primarily any logo needs to convey information that is easy to understand by those who are intended to use it or be attracted to it. FIRMWOOD ESTATE needed to be bold and clear. I felt that the relationship to the FIRM also should be reinforced, not only in the estate's name but elsewhere in the logo. By integrating the red and yellow circles I was able to achieve this. Beyond that I was looking for an overall effect that was crisp and comfortable to look at, with a corporate edge.
A concern that was of utmost importance was that this logo would need to appear on letter heads, business cards, etc, therefore its overall shape had to lend itself to a myriad of potential applications.
Putting all that information together and ending up with the final product is simply creative instinct. How that happens, where that comes from, I really don't know.
Graphic design is my work and my passion. If I can share that passion with you by offering my services to you or your business please call me.
The winner at 29.23% is John Webber
Trade Stock
We have a new section that I wanted to share with you which involves trading stock or property. This art of negotiating has been around for centuries before currency was invented. Two years ago I traded my existing home for the one I am in now, with little to no fuss.
So, I wanted to share with you some of the opportunities that have been offered to me. Trading can be exciting, especially if there is something you like and you trade it for something that you don't want anymore.
Trades can be purchased or swapped up or down, balance in cash.
If there is anything that tickles your fancy, or perhaps you are looking to trade on something specific, please contact me.
80' Golden Destiny (In Survey)
Video Streaming Email
Philip and Sherie Johns are the core of ProMotion Multimedia, started 11/2 years ago after traveling Europe together gathering ideas and inspiration to bring back to the Australian market place. Since then, they have created over 50 different videos for various businesses and larger companies, who have benefited from their fresh and innovative approach by noticing increased sales and business profitability.
Phil and Sherie have been responsible for all our video streaming productions in the past and we are proud to be associated with them.
So, if you require video productions for the future ... you know who to call.... Pro-Motion Multimedia on 07 3117 9334
For those new members who have recently joined us, here is our latest video streaming produced by Phil and Sherie.
For all you Travel requirements including Discount Flights, Car Rental, Accommodation, etc Please contact Denise Loftus Ph: 03 974... or melttrvl@bigpond.net.au Denise is a long term member of The FIRM and understands what we all need and is happy to assist you.
The Winner $50,000 CASH is ...
Margaret and Peter Johnson
We invited the winners for dinner to our home last night and they were so surprised when we announced to them that they had won the competition. They nearly fainted. After picking them up from the floor we asked them ... "Well, what are you going to do with your new found wealth?"
Margaret and Peter have opted to utilise the cash for a deposit into another investment property.
Well done guys!!!!
For all those members who participated in the first draw, dont be disappointed as we have a special consolation prize being posted direct to you soon. Congratulations, as we are all winners.
Closing Comments
Have a great month and remember - "Pay attention to the future because this is where you will spend the rest of your life".
Well, this completes another monthly newsletter as we continue to keep you upto date with the latest news and results as they happen.
Looking forward to hear from you regarding any matters, news, concerns, questions or praises any time. I am on the air every day to answer your call.
Stay tuned for another exciting episode ....until next time, keep Healthy WEALTHY and Wise.
Kindest regards,
Proud member of The FIRM
0414 888 186
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