To all our members, clients, colleagues, friends and relatives
Have a wonderful Christmas & New Year
Good afternoon fellow members,
Thank you for your wonderful support during the year, taking the time to read our Newsletters, Bulletins and sharing a part of our dynamic team. Without your support The FIRM could not exist.
This year was a little difficult to maintain the current Headlines whilst continuing my Tour of Duty, however meeting everyone during the year discussing all the latest news personally to each one of you made it all worthwhile. I have just downloaded all the latest updated News for Rockhampton, Gracemere and Zilzie Bay - go direct to -
Your comments, thoughts and contributions of constructive ideas throughout the year have been very important to us to constantly improve our standards of excellence, we are honoured that you are part of our ever growing team of 9,204 members.
Here is wishing you and your families a wonderful festive season, with love, laughter, and a prosperous year ahead for 2013.
Have a great Christmas holiday and we will chat soon!
In Honour of a GREAT Man!
Zig Ziglar passed away last week. He left a legacy for millions around the world as an amazing communicator; he stirred passion and delivered truths with humour and intelligence. His ability to inspire has been unparallel. A man of God, an amazing leader, a great communicator, and someone that will be missed by myself and many millions around the world!
“If you can dream it, then you can achieve it”
October 2012
"Guess who is married NOW!"
Tash and Tim Kealley
Good morning fellow members,
My apologies for not reporting back to all of you recently on Zilzie Bay and Gracemere which will follow in the next email to you. Time has gone incredibility fast leading up to the big day for our daughter Natasha and new
son-in-law Tim’s big Wedding day last Saturday the 13th October.
Amongst all the pressure of travelling around the country we had a very attractive offer on our home which we couldn’t refuse. Great timing for us now as there are plenty of choices of homes to consider, especially with the drop in interest rates now down to 3.25% and the Spring selling season is taking flight. There is talk of another Interest Rate cut due prior to Christmas. What a lovely Wedding and Christmas present that will be!
“The Ultimate Event”
July/August 2012
Merewether Surfhouse and Boardroom
Good morning fellow members,
I trust you are all well rested after that special day for “Fathers Day” yesterday. I surprised Annette by coming home a day early after a month in Newcastle ... so good to be back home.
It was lovely catching up with plenty of members and also been introduced to many new members in Newcastle. Thank you everyone for your wonderful warm hospitality which made us all feel very welcome to your lovely city. Thank you!
We look forward to continue our support and services with the latest news and current affairs as we have done for you in the past.
The Newcastle RITZ
Guess Who!!! Anthony Middleton David Da Silva
“Housing demands skyrocket in Central Queensland”
Central Queensland has the tightest rental market in the State and builders are struggling to keep up with the demand for housing. … Go Gracemere!!!
Let’s see if Karratha in Western Australia was setting the litmus test for Central Queensland. Remember when some of us targeted Karratha with caution 5 years ago and paid $350,000 now worth $1.1ml pulling $2,000 per week rent.
Look what has happened in Gladstone and Mackay after just 12 months our investments have skyrocketed from $350K now to $450K which is now too expensive for us to play in those areas now. So Gracemere and Zilzie Bay are the final frontier.
Want to know more about these areas … Give me a call!
13th October 2012
Natasha Leigh Ibbitson & Timothy Leighton Kealley
GULP!!! … The big day is coming quicker every day when our daughter Natasha ties the knot with Tim, our future Son-in-Law for this very special day.
Natasha and Tim’s wish to share in the celebration of their marriage at St. John’s Cathedral, 373 Ann St. Brisbane on Saturday 13th October at 5:00pm.
June 2012
Good morning fellow members,
Firstly, I want to say thank you to all the Canberrians that I visited last week for their warm hospitality especially with minus -4 degrees outside …. BRRRR!!!. I sneaked down to the snow fields last week and saw plenty of snow which I have not seen since I was a kid. What an experience making my first snowman.
I made it back in time for my surprise 59th BIRTHDAY party, thanking everyone for your well wishes, very much appreciated. Next year will be the “BIG CELEBRATION” and everyone will be invited … GULP!!!
The last few days I had some disturbing news when I was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy from my local GP and member. It isn’t serious, however my right side of my face drooped, making me uglier than ever… Ha-ha!! I was booked immediately with a Neurologist and prescribed a course of steroids to improve ‘my six pack’ (Only joking) and I have been told that my ugliness will continue for around 10 to 12 weeks then I will be back to my good looking self. Ha-ha!!
Regardless of the challenges, the specialists gave me a clean bill of health so I am coming to Melbourne on Monday for a week to 10 days to continue my ‘Tour of Duty’ so have the coffee and Tim Tams ready.
Don’t be left out in the COLD!

Don’t leave your Tax forecasting or Planning until it’s too late!
Good morning fellow members,
Just preparing to board a plane today for Canberra visiting members, and perhaps visit the snow fields, if I have time.
Don’t worry, I will be back for my surprise 59th BIRTHDAY on the 9th June … Ha-ha!!!
The end of year is fast approaching, now is the time to review your tax position prior to the 30th June. Tax forecasting and planning is ongoing, which proactively undertaken throughout the financial year, will help you to maximize your wealth and reduce your taxes.
You Tax position can be forecast based on your previous 9 months data, and provide you with tax planning suggestions or opportunities prior to 30th June, with consideration given to your related industries, business structures, spouse, children, superannuation and Centrelink implications which my Mum is currently having challenges with at the moment now my Dad pasted away.
Tax forecasting and planning is an integral, ongoing part of wealth creation … Don’t leave it until it’s too late.
Many member’s that I am seeing recently on my “Tour of Duty” are converting their SMSF into property. It has proven over a decade that property is more stable than any other form of investment and we have the statistics to prove it.
To get you started we have qualified local Financial Planners close to you who are willing to discuss many topics including –
· Managing Capital Gains Tax (CGT) liability
· Year End Superannuation Strategies
· The importance of Estate Planning
· Maximising super for the over 50’s
· General Tax Tips for business individuals
To discuss these strategies further, please contact me via email so I can introduce you to someone who can assist your enquiries.
Enjoy your weekend while I go play in the snow … Hopefully!!!
May 2012
Congratulations Debbie and Benny!
Good afternoon fellow members,
I have just arrived back on the Gold Coast to reload and also to defrost. More importantly to attend a beautiful wedding for a very special couple. Greg and Dianne Morison have been friends of ours for centuries and their son Benny and new bride Debbie invited us for the grand occasion. I must say the atmosphere for the ceremony and the function was sensational. Congratulations Debbie and Benny, may your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humour, a touch of romance, and a spoonful of understanding. May your happiness last forever, Congratulations!
“Tour of Duty continues … Wagga Wagga”
I was warned to rug up and wear my winter woolies and beanie as I brave the freezing cold climate conditions of Gippsland. However I thought Wagga Wagga would have been warmer being in the northern warmer region, guess what, it was cooler with minus -2 degrees on some mornings. The locals telling me to toughen up as they haven’t had winter yet. The things I do, on and above the call of duty for our members J
Thank you for your warm welcome to make me feel at home, however I must say I am gaining a few extra kilos from your generous hospitality which I must say are very well concealed with all the layers of winter gear I am wearing. Welcome also to all our new members that have come on board with us recently, we trust you also will enjoy the journey as we now enter into our third generation of 9,057 members.
Hello Canberra!
If I haven’t contacted you recently I will be in Canberra from the 1st June for a few weeks catching up with those members I missed on my recent visit. Have those home fires burning … Please!!!
Looking forward to see you soon!
Good afternoon fellow members,
I have been told to rug up and wear my winter woolies and beanie as I brave the freezing cold climate conditions of Gippsland. (GULP!!!) The things I do on and above the call of duty for our members J
So, if I haven’t contacted recently I will be in Gippsland from tomorrow 4th May through to 12th May and return back to the sunny Gold Coast to defrost for Mother’s Day.
As I really enjoy our Camberrian members hospitality so much I will be revisiting again catching up with the remainder of members that I couldn’t see last time.
Looking forward to see you soon!
April 2012
Good morning fellow members,
Well, I have now returned back home just in time for Easter from my extended “Tour of Duty” in Canberra.
Thank you everyone for your warm hospitality, Canberra for me is one of those special places that leaves an everlasting impression of the beautiful scenery. As you drive down many of the roads around the city you feel dwarfed by the towering canopies of magnificent Oak trees.
Thank you Canberra for also introducing many new members through Homecorp who are about to experience an incredible journey as they start their property port-folio as we all did when we started 22 years ago. Our current membership is now 8,987 members, thank you everyone for your genuine support.
On behalf of all the team we wish you a very Happy Easter.
"Gertrude - 103 years 7 months old"
Our deepest sympathy to Eveline and John Breindl, long term members of The FIRM whose Mum passed away on Friday.
We were honoured to meet Gertrude many years ago who was a proud, grand old lady who provided many exciting stories about her life.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you.
Gertrude’s funeral will be held on April 11th at 2:30pm at the Albany Creek Memorial Park. Details in today’s newspaper.
99th EDITION March 2012
"Jayden made Semi Finals for Queensland State Championship IRONMAN"
Good morning Fellow Members,
As most of our Camberrian Members were aware I had to cut short my return visit to Canberra to support our son Jayden for the Junior Queensland State Finals which he was competing in for Iron Man and Board.
A tremendous effort from the Kurrawa Stingrays who won Second place out of 37 Clubs in the Club Point score. Kurrawa had only 31 competitors compared to Maroochydore with 100+. In total there were 1,396 participants. Jayden came in 8th in the Ironman Quarter Finals however bombed out in the Semi Finals. The same results with board, however his team members excelled with their results.
Thank you to Kurrawa Surf Lifesaving Club and all the volunteer team members for your support and dedication over the years which has certainly paid off with all the training, mate ship and wisdom for this next generation of young Nippers.
I will be returning back to Canberra tomorrow and look forward to see everyone over the next couple of weeks.
Enjoy the rest of your week and stay tuned.
Chat soon!
February 2012
"Perth the beautiful City"
Perth Skyline - Railway Station/Freeway/ Bus overpass
Good morning Western Australia,
The Eagle has returned ... Ha-ha!!!
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone over in Perth for the wonderful support in making me feel very welcome in a city that I have never visited before. What a pleasure it was to see a city and its suburbs to be so clean, green and so well organized in infrastructure.
I was particularly impressed with their transport system, with its amazing commuter train running down the centre of the freeways and overhead bridges above the Railway station linking to the car park and the Bus services to the suburbs ... Sheer brilliance!!!!
Speaking to many of the members in Western Australia we compared notes to Queensland.
· We are very similar in many ways, except we have the sun rise over our ocean and they have the sun set over their ocean.
· Western Australia is running with the two speed economy the same as Queensland due to our mineral/gas resources.
· Climate is very similar however our moisture content and humidity is much higher in Queensland which made it more comfortable for that early morning walk in Perth.
· The value of housing is slightly higher than Queensland with rental returns and yield being around the same.
· Both Western Australia and Queensland flat line in growth about the same time and will boost within the same timeline.
· Western Australia surf beaches leave a lot to be desired (mill pond) especially for the Ironman competition recently where Kurrawa Surf Club, Gold Coast, (Jayden’s Club) scooped all the trophies as our beaches on the Eastern Seaboard are not for the faint hearted …Ha-ha!!
So why were the members in Western Australia still focusing on Queensland to invest?
West Australian members told me their reasons why –
· That they felt more remote on the Western seaboard with support mainly from International migration where Queensland has stronger migration from the Southern States of Tasmania, Victoria and NSW along the Eastern seaboard. “As we are getting older we are getting colder”
· Queensland Government offers a $10,000 Government Grant Boost to stimulate all new property built which has just been extended in time.
· Our property prices around Central Queensland’s mining industry are still affordable ($350K to $425K) compared to $900,000 to $1.2ml. around Karratha with similar % yield. The entry level is more affordable.
· Queensland’s Bowen Basin has additional support of livestock and Universities.
· Massive infrastructure including rail, seaports and road transport systems.
· $146 billon total boost to the region for infrastructure.
· An additional 100,000 new jobs coming on line over the next 5 years for Central Queensland.
· Property values have increased by 100% over the past 5 years in the Bowen Basin.
These are just a few of the reasons that members from Western Australia continue to see far more benefits in investing in Central Queensland as they have seen enormous growth in the Pilbara Western Australia, which is now too expensive to play and see more potential over here.
As you are aware we have been testing the waters in this region quietly now for the past few years especially in Emerald. The last settled sale for House and Land was back in June 2010 for $400K to $415K with rentals calculated at $400 even though we were informed that $450 per week would have been a good budget. Last year 12 months later, June 2011, Bank Valuations were ordered. These house and land packages came in at $30K to $35K more than the previous year. That is a 7.5% increase when the rest of Australia was flat lined in growth. More amazing was that the rentals were averaging around $550 to $600 per week.
If you want to know more or friends and relative want to know more about the HOT PROPERTY areas and regions to consider please call me.
Again, thank you to everyone that I saw in Western Australia, I look forward to see you all again very soon.
Enjoy the rest of your week and stay tuned.
January 2012
"Tour of Duty continues Perth"
My Flight awaits … Ha-ha!!!
Good morning fellow members,
Well, up, up and away on Friday for 2 weeks visiting all our wonderful Western Australian members. My apologies if I have not made contact with you, however please call me as I would love to catch up with you for Coffee and Tim Tams.
One of our members, Ray, who I caught up with recently, made an incredible moving statement which motivated me very much for this year, especially while I am away on my “Tour of Duty”. His comments made me realize that our connection to each other is done through pride and loyalty which displays a more positive and productive outcome for all members.
I would love to share this with you.
“Team work makes the Dream work”
How is that for a mission statement … Love it!!! … Thank you Ray.
It’s all happening in QLD and WA.
Australia with relatively low sovereign debt and above 4% Reserve Bank interest Rates has the capacity to stimulate its economy by increasing the borrowings and decreasing interest. We are likely to see interest rates being eased over coming months.
Earlier this month Deputy Premier and Treasurer of Queensland Andrew Fraser said “Around the world, in the face of the fallout from the European crisis, Australia is regarded as a stand-out performer”.
The last OECD forecasts showed that the 2012 Australia would lead the growth league table of the developed nations.
Fraser added “our forecast growth is not only set to out-perform the nation this year, it will lead the nation in the coming financial year as we power up to 5% growth with WA predicting 4.25%, while Victoria predicts next to no growth.
Already the huge demand for jobs and housing in the mining centres within WA and especially Regional QLD far outstrip available supply.
Hence the reason for me personally investigating these powerful statements so I can report back with our findings so we can offer very constructive factual information to present to all the members to consider.
Enjoy the rest of your week and stay tuned.
Chat soon!